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Gastroenterology.com is committed to getting you the gastro information that you need. We have a wealth of information about Gastroenterology.com conditions and procedures ranging from info about colonoscopy prep to information about hemorrhoids. Can't find information specifically related to your particular medical situation? No problem. Gastroenterology.com allows you to ask your very own medical question to local Gastroenterology.com doctors at no charge whatsoever.

If you ask your very own GI related question to Gastroenterology.com, your question will be sent directly to gastroenterology specialists. These experts can then provide a completely free answer. Gastroenterology.com questions are typically answered within a few business days. However, our gastroenterologist network isn't required to answer medical questions. Therefore, there is a chance that your question may go unanswered. If your question goes unanswered, feel free to search for, and contact, a local gastro who may be able to offer an answer to your question.

All user questions to Gastroenterology.com. are completely anonymous. Although your question and free answers may be displayed on the site, your personal information will remain entirely anonymous. We collect your zip code and email address if you choose to ask a question. We need your zip code in order to send your questions to a more localized demographic of Gastroenterology.com professionals. We collect your email address so that we can send answers to your question directly to your email inbox. Your contact information will not be forwarded to any gastros when you ask a question, so if you want to get in touch with a Gastroenterology.com expert make sure you use the Gastroenterology.com contact form.

Please also bear in mind that you are not forging a patient-physician relationship with any of the doctors to whom your question is sent. Moreover, the information that is provided in your answers is simply the informed opinion of a medical professional and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Do not include any personally identifiable information within your question. Your question will be posted in a public forum where it will be viewable by others. Do not submit any private health information.